Weight Loss Jump Start
There are many things that will help you get a “jump” on your weight loss goals. One of the most important things is exercise. You have to get going and move, even if it’s just brisk walking for 20 minutes each day. You must do something to boost your heart rate and start burning calories and get your metabolism fired up.
Weight Loss Tips And The Fat Flush Plan
Fruit is very healthy for you but in weight loss it can be “too much of a good thing”. Fruit is very high in sugar and many fruits are very high on the glycemic index – meaning they can cause your blood sugar to spike which afterwards leaves you feeling tired. It is best to keep your blood sugar levels steady with foods that are low-glycemic. So, for jump starting your weight loss – limit your fruit to 2 portions a day of fruits lower in sugar content like apples, berries or grapefruit. Also, it’s best to avoid fruit juices.
Starchy carbs, like bread and pasta should be avoided and also dairy products like cheese and milk. If you’re worried about calcium – add some greens like kale or spinach, some flax seeds and sesame seeds to a smoothie.
Salads are so good for us but in order to jump start weight loss we need to stay away from the high calorie dressings. A good replacement for them is apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice and a healthy oil like flax.
It is also very important to eat lean protein like chicken, fish or eggs at each meal. These lean proteins speed up our metabolism, thus burning more calories.
A little salt is okay but it is best to reduce your salt intake. Salt causes our bodies to retain water weight.
Speaking of water – hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! It is so important to drink plenty of fresh water every day – 1/2 our body weight in ounces is a good guide.
Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman on Weight Loss
For more information on jump starting your weight loss, Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman has years of wisdom and has done extensive research and is a pioneer in the area of health and weight loss. In her book The Fat Flush Plan she explains in great detail this amazing fat loss diet plan. Her many products by Unikey Health like her Fat Flush Weight Loss Formula, other Fat Flush supplements and the information in her book The Fat Flush Plan can help you lose weight and keep it off.